The Hunger Games Wiki


Thank you to SpiritStormGamer for letting me use Volex as a competitor


The 32nd games are ready. Twelve districts. Twenty-four tributes. Ages twelve-eighteen. Twenty-three to be dead. One to emerge as victorious. Submerged in jewels and riches with power, fame, and glory. Having what seems like everything, except, it's not. Losing your integrity and killing innocent people. Receiving backlash and hate swept under the rug by The Capitol as a way to keep you healthy. Even though twenty-three families are suffering over losing their boy or girl. In and out of the games you need to remember one and one thing only. Hope will prevail.


District Male Age Weapon Female Age Weapon
One Alpha Thorn 17 Sword Livi Brunch 16 Spear
Two Banner Full 18 Machete Rouge Finn 16 Knives
Three Eon Bell 15 Electricity Ibis Mohatta 16 Poison
Four Mallard Gallop 13 Sikle Aqua Coven 15 Trident
Five Volex Underlow 17 Sword Nora Cooke 17 Rope
Six Darwin Varrin 16 Smarts Mishti Brown 14 Bow
Seven Voss Pine 17 Chain-Blade Destiny Shine 14 Axe
Eight Jarvis Mince 16 Knives Loren Weaver 16 Blowdart
Nine Konnor Chivers 15 Spear Ruth Rabe 13 Rope
Ten Mars LaVorte 17 Bow & Arrows Emsy Nelson 15 Knives
Eleven Pike Abble 14 Axe Bella-Sue Clark 12 Knives
Twelve Luca Twine 15 Sikle Layla Rhodes 13 Spear


Luxury Hotel

Stories of the Tributes[]

(Only Main Characters)

Alpha Thorn - District 1[]

- The day of the reaping for the 31st Hunger Games -

I wake up from my warm bed in District One. living in District One takes so much pride. I'm so excited for today. Today is the reaping for the 31st games. Being 16 I feel like I have my skills cut out and I'm well-rounded for my age. I'm ready to go in that arena and kill people. 

"Alpha?" My little 13 year old sister says. "I'm ready to volunteer." 

My head feels weird all the sudden. I can't go in the games with her. She would have to win. I can't carry my sister to the end and just kill her. But I want the power and riches and glory. I want it all. But without me she will be dead.

"Scram monkey." I snap at her.

She leaves the room and slams the door. I decide to let her go as she isn't helpful to me right now. At the reaping before the female tribute gets called she volunteers. What an idiot. Why would a 13 year old volunteer. Good for you I guess. I listen to who the male tribute is. 

"Miles McKormik!" The escort says. 

I couldn't be happier. Someone I hate gets picked. Heck no I'm not gonna volunteer. Then I realize something. He is going to kill Laura, to get back at me. When he's up their he stares right at me and winks. I get a panicking feeling inside me. 

- The day of the reaping for the 32nd Hunger Games -

Today is the one year anniversary of Laura's reaping. Killed at the bloodbath by Miles. Miles ran to the Cornucopia, grabbed a machete and ran right up to Laura, dragged her away so everyone could see him kill her. He won that games. I instantly knew that there would be a problem today. All the victors of District One stand up on stage, I know he will be right next to me when I'm up there. It's time for me to get payback. The same escort from last year walks on stage. Reynold Clive. I hear the girl volunteer when he announces the female drawing. I see Livi Brunch walk up their. Definatly the hottest girl in 1. I will admit that I liked her in that training campus. When the male tribute gets called I volunteer. I see a little boy in the age 12 group holding his face in his hands. I can tell he was the kid who got picked. When I go on that stage I stare right at Miles and punch him in the face. I feel so rejoiced. I instantly get carrie dby peacekeepers to the back. I'm just pumped to be in the arena. Just let me win. I want to kill. That punch felt so good. Just a practice for the punches in the arena. 

Livi Brunch - District 1[]

I get up from my king sized bed. I remember when I got it at 7 years old I was so small I couldn't even get onto it without a stool. I grab my towel and walk to the bathroom to take a shower before the reaping. This is my first shower since getting back from the Training Campus on the border of District 1 and District 2. At CTA (Career Training Academy) those showers were made to break you and push you. No warm water just cold water to make your goosebumps get goosebumps. My shower feels so relaxing but all I could think about was bad memories from CTA. My trainer was the only one who treated me with respect. I constantly got judged by the pretty girls there. I remember this stone-cold brat Savvarah from Two. I'm not your typical dumb girl from One. I may have glasses and braces but I can still cut someone. I decided that today I was gonna make myself as attractive as I can. I put my gown on, a silver dress with my breast visible from the top but I made sure not to show too much. I leave my glasses on my bedside table and go downstairs to my parents. My mom is a orthadontist and she promised to take my braces out today. My only slanted teeth are in the back so I can still look amazing. A couple hours later I leave for the reaping. My mother and I get in the car and head for the reaping. At the reaping I see my long time crush there, Alpha Thorn. I remember at CTA he helped me escape, Both of us got caught and got put in solitary confinment. Both of us received hate from everyone else but he never cared. He didn't even talk to me again. 


I still remember the day my whole life changed. That day caused so much to happen. I don't even care that I'm gonna die in this arena. I'm fine with dying. I just want to get it over with. Let me die Capitol. Take me away. Take me away. I only care about one person. ROuge Finn.

Rouge Finn - District 2[]

I walk down the sidewalk to the Justice Hall, I see people in line for the sign in. I see him. The teen that raped my sister. Because of him my sister had a baby at 15. Kicked out of school, shunned by most of the town. Thank goodness her best friend is the daughter of a victor, she was allowed to stay with them because it wasn't safe for her on our street. Every morning their were notes saying horrible things to Lila. 

He stares at me, and mouths something. "See you in the arena." I can tell he wants to volunteer. This is my sisters last year being available to be reaped, same for him. It's his last chance to go in and fight. He hopes my sister or me goes in. 

He walks over to me while I'm in line. 

"Hey princess." He says to me.

"Get out of here perv." 

"Just trying to start a conversation!"

"Well I don't need one."

"Such a shame about your sister. You know. Losing the trial. Three years later and I still never forget it!"

"How about you shove your thumb up your butt."

"Why would I do that with my thumb when I could do this?" He says as he reaches to brush my face.

I slap him and turn around. The two in front of me let me go next. 

As I walk to the 16 year old group I see my sister in the 18 group. I know she couldn't last. When those people broke into our house and threatened Lila with a gun to her head she became mentally unstable. God forbid she gets reaped The career better volunteer. 

"Hello District Two!" The escort Lark Casillas yells. Escort for nine years. Congratulations on ten. "Who's ready for the reaping!" He yells. People start to clap and cheer and woohoo. All of the girls by me cheer so I just cheer so they don't single me out. 

"Now lets get to the men! Calum Court!" Oh no. It's him! 

"I volunteer!" I hear someone yell. I look over and it's Banner Full. I always knew he felt something to me. To be honest I always felt something to him too. He walks up there and Calum shoots a dirty look at him, Banner shoves him back to the side. He looks at me and I mouth thank you too him. He nods back and walks up. 

"A volunteer. Isn't that nice. Now whats your name?" 

"Banner Full. Now if you don't mind cut the crap and just pick the girl, I don't want to talk."

"Fair enough. Now who is ready for the women, I know I am." He says sadistically. All I can think about is how morbid he is. He loves watching who gets reaped. Not because he wants to see who is the competition. he doesn't want a strong tribute to win. He wants a tribute to kill anyone they can. He's all about death. It's sickening.

"Lila Finn!" Oh crap. Nobody volunteers. The career didn't volunteer, what?

"I volunteer!" I hear somebody scream. I looked around. Nobody had their hand up. I looked up and realized that mine was as high as I could reach. 

Ibis Mohatta - District 3[]

I say goodbye to my parents. Nobody expected me to go in. I was the girl who got straight A's every semester and was always known for her acedemic record. Now I'm selected to go into a battle to fight to the death? I just can't wrap my mind around it. I don't know what I'm supposed to even do.

"I'm Eon." My district partner says. He's 15 even though he looks 13. About 5'3 a couple inches shorter than me. 

"I'm Ibis. That was very brave of you to volunteer for that child." I say to him.

"He was my brother."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"I just want to prove to him you can win th egames without fighting."

"That's very honorable."

I never have had a conversation with him. I've seen him around town but never spoke to him. He always seemed quiet to me. I never could crack the shell to him and figure out who he is. Although it is easier if you talk to him, but I've never been to good at developing personal connections. I always spend my free time at the library studying. People always tell me I could have so much fun if I just reached out but the thing is I just can't. It's too hard for me. If I think about talking to someone I have a panic attack. 

Volex Underlow - District 5[]

While I'm on the train to The Capitol I keep catching my District partner staring at me. She has piercing blue eyes. All she ever has done is stare. She sits there with a dull mouth and looks so angry. If there was ever a tribute to murder another before the games started she seems like a perfect fit for that role.

I look at my golden bracelet my girlfriend Marisa gave to me right before I got onto the train. 

"What's that?" My district partner says. "It's really nice."

"It's my token. My girlfriend gave it to me."

"I know I seem like I'm so angry. I just have that sort of face. How come you volunteered?"

"It was my foster brother, Ben."

"Oh. I wish I had a family."

"Me too. All I have is my foster family. if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your family?"

"They died while trying to escape Panem. They traveled from District 11 and went north. They got caught in District 5 and they were executed. I was just three at the time so I can't remember them. I lived with a foster family but when I turned eight they kicked me out because I was old enough to take care of myself."

"Let's keep our mind of that right now. You wanna play a game or something?"

"Sure! On the streets all I could play was rock toss."

"How about Power Bass?"

"I don't know what that is."

"So in Power Bass what you do is you have to go to a place you've never been before and find as many things that can work as a conducter to electricity. This room on the train is good enough. Wanna do that or something else?"

"I'll try."

As we're playing I notice she seems lost a little. I saw her pick up a glass jar holding ice. I was about to go over there and tell her not to waste her time with glass but I then see her look at the table. She must have thought it through. No glass jar holding ice will just keep it cold. Something was keeping it cold. A vent that obviously is made with metal. Smart girl. I never even thought of it.

"Times up." I say after five minutes.

"I got a few."

We look at each others list a boy was I impressed. She may not have had basic stuff like the pots by the kitchen and forks and spoons but she had other things like the metal frame on the windows and the vents and even the security cameras. 

"Good job Nora."

"You too."

Voss Pine - District 7[]

On the train I stare at my District partner. I try to figure her out.

"Stop." She says in a weird tone. She sounds like she's happy and pushes my shoulder a little bit.

"What?" I say back to her.

"Your staring."

"Well your in love."

"With who? You? Your kidding yourself."

"Well then why'd you say stop like that?"

"Like what?"

"You know what it was like."

"I have nothing to say."

I know what she's thinking now. I learned to read people when I was young. You can use anything. How they talk, how they look, facial expressions. I can tell when soemone is lying or not. 

"I'm gonna go talk to the mentors." She says as she stands up.

"Didn't catch your name."

"It's Destiny. What's yours?"


"Like the water?"

"Like the water."

Loren Weaver - District 8[]

Mars LaVorte - District 10[]

Emsy Nelson - District 10[]