The Hunger Games Wiki

I thought it would be cool to write the quarter quell where people had to vote for the kids who competed in the games. Please give me some tributes! comment their character names, their district, why people voted for them, what you would like to be their training score, and a short bio containing anything else i should know (like a token for example). you can send me up to 3 but i might not use them all. If i get too many tributes from the same district i will A. not use some or B. move a tribute to a new district and edit their back story as needed. If i don't get enough tributes that are unique i will add a few of my own. Also i am going to have real sponsors. instead of people just sponsoring their own tribute and no one else can im going to mix things up a bit How i will do sponsors is each person whether they have a character or not would be allowed to comment once a day, with a tribute name that they would like to sponsor. The gifts would be decided based on how many people wanted to sponsor for example 2 sponsors would result in water whereas 15 sponsors could get a bow and arrow. Please don't be offended if i kill off your tribute! some tributes must die otherwise the story would be awful and unrealistic. Please comment and may the odds be ever in your favor!
