The Hunger Games Wiki

Discussions are a place for members of the community to chat, interact, and debate upon topics of the books, films, and the wiki. The general rules of the wiki apply in Discussions, among specific rules that can be read here:

  1. COPPA law: In accordance to Fandom's ToU and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), users under the age of 13 (16 in the EEA, not including the UK) are not allowed to be editors on the wiki. If a user is revealed to be underage, please calmly report it with evidence to an administrator.
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  6. Don't evade bans using multiple accounts (also known as sockpuppetry).
  7. Pointless threads and comments that do not incite relevant discussion, solicit upvotes, or do not serve a respectable purpose will be at risk for deletion.
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  9. Impersonation of other users , characters, or famous people will not be tolerated. If you have been banned and return on a new account, your posts will be deleted and your new account(s) will be banned.
  10. Roleplaying is not allowed anywhere on the wiki.
  11. Avoid claiming to being a fictional character in the Hunger Games universe or having a romance with a fictional character. Violators are subject to being blocked for false proclamation and potential confusion between fanon and canon content.
  12. When posting artwork in the discussions, credit the artist by putting their name and the platform the art was taken from.
  13. Avoid reviving a discussion or comment ("necroposting") if the proceeding post is one month old or more.
  14. The topic of discussion should be clearly defined in the thread title or have some relation to the content found within the article page.
  15. Nonsensical, inappropriate, and off-topic replies are subject to editing and/or deletion.
  16. You must observe a 7-day cooldown period in between posts of fanon content, such as fanfiction or a spin-off series.
  17. It is forbidden to delete messages posted by staff members on your message wall, as this is considered deleting evidence and/or information.
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