The Hunger Games Wiki

"Our hovercraft, our high-speed trains, and our cargo trains come to us from District 6. Ironically, the citizens here have little love for travel."
—Description from The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide[src]

District 6 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem, whose principal industry is transportation.


75th Hunger Games

At the time of the third Quarter Quell, the tributes from Districts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11 were all involved in a rebel plan to protect Katniss and break out of the 75th Hunger Games arena.[1] The two District 6 victors reaped for these Games were heavily addicted to morphling,[2] which could potentially imply the district at large has a drug problem.

Second Rebellion

One evening, the Capitol aired a live propo of Peeta Mellark, who was made to recount war damage allegedly perpetrated by rebels. This included a derailed train leaking toxic waste,[3] which could have been linked to District 6 on account of their industry.

Known tributes



The morphlings.


Location and geography

According to the map of Panem featured in The Hunger Games Adventures, District 6 is located in the midwest area of North America, primarily centered in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin and the southern part of the Canadian province of Ontario. This ties into its district industry as the Midwest, particularly Michigan, was renowned for its automotive industry during the 20th and 21st century. District 6 borders District 3 (to the south and east), District 9 (to the northwest), and District 13 (to the east).

In The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, District 6 is mentioned as being the third district from the east, after Districts 12 and 8 and before District 11.[10]


  • The district's industry, along with District 5, are the last ones to be revealed, only at the time the film adaptation of The Hunger Games has been announced. Nowhere in the original trilogy books suggest that District 6 provides transportation, unlike the case of District 9 being hinted from the then-unidentified wheat and bread district.
    • In fact, Katniss stated in Catching Fire that District 3 manufactures automobiles.
  • In The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide, it says that the people of District 6 dislike traveling, even though their industry is transportation.
  • District 6 was the 5th - 10th district to pry from Capitol rule.
  • According to the Capitol.PN, District 6 has 52 active hubs with a population of 784,453, making it the largest district in Panem, in terms of population, with almost four times as many citizens as District 2, the second place holder. If this is true, due to being the largest district in terms of population, it is also extremely unstable, making Morphling a district-wide problem.
  • According to the Capitol.PN, District 6 claims 68,366 in tesserae, making it the sixth most impoverished district. 
    • If the population is 784,453 and they claim 68,366 tesserae, that would equal to 0.087 tesserae per person, ironically making it the 4th richest District.
    • This would make District 6 the only other non-Career district (aside from District 5) richer than a Career district (District 4) and the second wealthiest non-Career district.
  • It is considered a lower middle-class district.
  • According to The Hunger Games Adventures, District 6 would be situated directly north of District 3, which fits more appropriately with what was seen in Catching Fire.
  • In the film, District 6 was the first District to lose both of its tributes in the 74th Hunger Games.
  • The people of District 6 seem to wear darker clothes as shown in Catching Fire during the victory tour. Their choice of clothes also seems to be more form-fitting to the body (People with skin-tight pants and shirts can be seen along with snug jackets).
  • Despite District 6 being the district responsible for transportation, Katniss mentions that District 3 manufactures automobiles.[11]
    • This is known before District 6's district has been revealed.
  • Based on the arena wear for the 74th Hunger Games, the district's color seems to be hello fall orange (#a15431 –    ).[12]


The Hunger Games trilogy
Novels The Hunger GamesCatching FireMockingjay
Main Characters Katniss EverdeenPeeta MellarkGale HawthorneHaymitch AbernathyEffie Trinket
Supporting Characters Primrose EverdeenPresident SnowCinnaMrs. EverdeenMr. EverdeenPresident CoinClaudius TemplesmithCaesar FlickermanMadge UnderseePaylorPlutarch HeavensbeeSeneca Crane
Tributes MarvelGlimmerCatoCloveFoxfaceThreshRueMaysilee DonnerTitus
Past Victors Augustus BraunAnnie CrestaBeetee LatierBlightBrutusCashmereCeceliaChaffEnobariaFinnick OdairGlossJohanna MasonLymeMags FlanaganMorphlingsPorter Millicent TrippSeederWiressWoof
Groups RebellionGamemakersPrep teamTributesVictors
Locations PanemThe CapitolDistrict 1District 2District 3District 4District 5District 6District 7District 8District 9District 10District 11District 12District 13
Behind the Scenes Suzanne CollinsGary RossFrancis Lawrence
Films The Hunger Games (film)Catching Fire (film)Mockingjay - Part 1Mockingjay - Part 2