Cookie was a Peacekeeper assigned to District 12, where he worked as a cook. He was an old soldier who had lost his left ear in the First Rebellion. [1]
At some point Cookie enlisted as a soldier, and he lost his left ear during the First Rebellion. He was later assigned to District 12 to cook for the other Peacekeepers in the base.
Shortly after enrolling in the Peacekeepers himself, Coriolanus Snow was assigned to kitchen detail under Cookie's guidance, stripping to the waist while he washed dishes for hours on end. He soon grew to crave the salty food Cookie favored.[2]
Later, Cookie gave Coriolanus a plastic bag to store ice to take outside in the heat, having been won over by his diligent dish washing.[3] Sejanus Plinth later went to talk Cookie out of another plastic bag before heading out to the lake along with Coriolanus and the Covey.[4]
As they left the barracks for The Hob one Saturday night, Coriolanus and Sejanus were roped into an extra detail by Cookie and unloaded a hovercraft full of crates. Cookie slipped them a quart bottle of cheap whiskey when they were done, which they found to be a big improvement over the local brew.[5]
During Commander Hoff's birthday, Cookie laid out an elegant meal, complete with steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, and fresh peas.[6]
- Given that the Peacekeepers from District 12 used nicknames for each other, "Cookie" is probably a nickname given in reference to his role as their cook.