The Hunger Games Wiki

"But that’s not going to happen under my watch, Soldier Everdeen. I’m planning for you to have a long life. Because you've earned it."

Boggs was President Coin's second-in-command. When Katniss assumes the role of the Mockingjay, he becomes her protector.



Boggs becomes Katniss' personal bodyguard. While in District 8, as the bombs are being dropped, he covers Katniss with his own body so that she will live, demonstrating his willingness to die for the Mockingjay. After proving that he is not utterly devoted to Coin but the cause itself, he begins to gain Katniss' respect and trust. When President Coin sends Peeta to join Star Squad arguably in the hopes that he will kill Katniss, Boggs swears that he will keep her safe. He has a heated conversation with President Coin on the subject but is overruled. This is a major turning point in "Mockingjay" as this conversation between Boggs and Coin confirms how far Coin is willing to go in the plan to conquer by any means and ways possible, including killing the Mockingjay. From this arguement it can be assumed that Coin's master plan included the Star Squad being killed in battle. This would not only eliminate her perceived threat from the most popular capable victors and their future influence among the new Panem (being the faces that actually continued the rebellion) but also Boggs who may know more about Coin and her dire capabilities and weakness then anyone else alive. Plus, Boggs is actually viewed in propos making him publicly recognizable through the districts and Capitol making him justifiably just as influential in being a future leader as Coin.


Boggs was working as President Coin's second in command and was like a puppet to her, Katniss notes. When Katniss fled the room because of Peeta's interview Boggs tried to stop her but Gale got in his way and stomped on his face, breaking his nose. Boggs was assigned to guard Katniss while she films propaganda. Boggs and the group go to District 8 for their first shoot.

When they arrive at District 8, they go to one of the hospitals and decide to comfort some of the patients. Boggs keeps a close eye on Katniss and makes sure nothing happens to her. After their run-in with Finnick in his underwear, Katniss decides to like Boggs. When the Capitol attacks the hospital, Boggs is ready to go into combat, but holds back Plutarch so Katniss can fight their enemies. Boggs makes sure they are filming as they battle and watches Katniss to make sure she is safe. When the attack is over and Katniss makes a brief speech, Boggs tells them that they have finished filming the propo and they return to District 13 to receive medical treatment. The group meets in the command room and discusses the complete propo. After they finish, they decide to allow Katniss go back in combat and shoot more propos when she is fully recovered. Boggs talks with the head of the rebellion to discuss more topics and objectives they must deal with.

Boggs assists the head of the rebellion in evacuating the entire district to safe bunkers after Peeta warns them of the bombing on District 13 by the Capitol. Boggs, Katniss, Gale and the others resurface to the heavy damaged remains to shoot more propagandas but Katniss and Finnick break down because they cannot take it anymore. Boggs and President Coin form a rescue team that he will lead to save Peeta, Johanna, Enobaria, and Annie from the Capitol. Boggs knocks Peeta out after he tried to strangle Katniss. He goes with them to District 2 and enters The Nut with them to meet Lyme. The group argue over the idea of bombing The Nut while it was filled with people. Boggs gives them the choice of blowing them up or giving them a chance of escape. He also updates them of Peeta's condition after they retreat to the Justice Building.

Boggs goes with the sharpshooters squad to the Capitol and is leader of the group. The group train and film for the propaganda. When Leeg 2 dies, Peeta is sent as a replacement. Katniss speaks with him about the replacement and Boggs points out Katniss will be a big vote for who will be the new leader of Panem.


"Don't trust them. Don't go back. Kill Peeta. Do what you came to do."
—Boggs' last words[src]

Boggs` corpse in a street

Boggs meets an unfortunate death. As the Star Squad is clearing a street of pods, Boggs accidentally steps back onto a tile and has his legs blown off by a mine pod. Within a building, as they shelter from the effects of yet another pod, Boggs transfers the Holo over to Katniss' control. He also warns her not to trust them, encourages her to continue on her mission to assassinate Snow, and tells her to kill him( Peeta), and she never did (although Katniss never finds out what he is referring to as not trusting "them", he was likely referring to President Coin and her supporters). Boggs dies from loss of blood, and his corpse is left behind when the Star Squad moves on. The Peacekeepers find his body and think that the others must also be dead before realizing what has happened.

Physical description

He is in his mid-forties with close cropped gray hair and blue eyes. He is also noted as having incredible posture.

In the film however, he is bald with brown eyes.


  • Boggs has a young son that lived in District 13.


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2


